Sunday, March 20, 2016

Growing My Social Capital

My Networking Experience


The domain expert in my industry is a woman named Santana Iglesias. Santana started her own business with her good friend and partner, Nicole. Santana works with the well known Deepak Chopra, going different health places/restaurants/farms around the world and documenting the experience. Basically she is promoting a lifestyle and filming her experience.

Expert in my field: Stephanie Martin. Mrs. Martin is a holistic practitioner, certified nutrition consultant, and yoga instructor. She is incredibly knowledgable and knows so much about the wellness industry.

Important supplier in my industry: Hippocrates Health Institute --->
Hippocrates Health Institute is a tropical 50-acre setting in West Palm Beach, Florida. Guests from all over the world benefit from health and nutritional counseling, non-invasive remedial and youth-enhancing therapies, state of the art spa services, inspiring talks on life principles and a tantalizing daily buffet of enzyme-rich, organic meals at this wonderful place.The goal of HHI is to assist people in taking responsibility for their lives and to help them internalize and actualize an existence free from premature aging, disease and needless pain.

Domain Expert: Santana Iglesias 
Market Expert: Stephanie Martin
Supplier: Hippocrates Health Institute 

How I found the person and contacted them: Santana, I met her through a very good friend. We were talking about the wellness industry and Santana's name came up. I contacted her through social media. Stephanie I met at one of the yoga studios I go to. I initiated conversation one day to ask a few questions, and we got along from there.

Nature of exchange: I volunteered to help Stephanie with a local event in order to do a favor. In exchange she gives me an abundance of free information. Santana has become one of my good friends.

I really enjoyed this exercise. I think it is very important to practice targeted networking. I also learned during this exercise that my domain expert, Santana, used 'target networking' in order to be in the position where she is now. That was very inspiring to me! I felt that this was an incredibly useful exercise. 


  1. Hi Rebecca, great job with this assignment! I can see that you really got a lot of this experience, and I hope that these connections that you've made will be helpful in your own career path. I'm sure that it will, as I can see that you've learned a lot about a variety of subjects from people that are experts in these subjects. I'm also glad to see that you were inspired by the accomplishments of your domain expert. I hope that you are able to achieve your own passion, good luck! Unfortunately, I missed this assignment, so I can't provide a link to my own blog post.

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    I hope that these connections work for you and that they follow through. If they don't then that will just be part of the experience I guess, having to find more even if they weren't your first pick. I can see that you really learned from this experience and it will help you in the future. I agree with your reflection. Networking is not as easy as it sounds because you have to be on top of it and be able to identify that right people for you. Good Job.
    Here is my blog:
