Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Secret Sauce

Five aspects that make up my human capital 

  • Quick learner 
    • From a young age I have always been a creative thinker and quick learner. I could pick up things and easily figure them out. One time I even hooked up the house phone lines in every room of our home when I was about nine years old, after being shown how to just once by my uncle.
  • Deep thinker and Compassionate 
    • I have an appreciation for genuine, real people. Those who are true to themselves and what they believe in. "Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?" I also enjoy helping others and finding solutions to problems.
  • Hardworking and High Energy
    • I push myself and work until the job is done. I am not one to put things off and I'm a firm believer in not putting off until tomorrow what you can accomplish today.
  • Loyal
    • I am an extremely loyal person to those I love and feel the same in return.
  • Dreamer and Determined
    • I manifest my own destiny! When I want something badly, I go after it indefinitely. I know what my dreams are and there isn't a person in the world who can change my mind when I have my heart set on something.  


This is my sister, Heather. We grew up very close and she is my best friend. I took away that I'm a good people reader, tech savvy, and very emotionally stable.

My mom is camera shy so I had to do a voice interview. I was actually impressed at how many of the same human capital aspects my mom pointed out as I did in my five. She touched on a lot of things that I mentioned in my list. 

This is one of my very good friends from high school. Austin has known me for at least 10 years! I took away that he seems me as compassionate, dedicated, and responsible.

A phone interview from my dad because I was able to get with him in person. I took away that I am skilled with figuring things out and a driven individual. 

These are four people who know me best. My other good friend live/vacationing out of state (for their spring break) at the moment so I was unable to interview them with the time difference  Once I am able to get a video interview I will upload it as well. :)

Thanks for watching!


As I reflect on the differences, I really could not find many. I feel that I see myself very similarly to how those closest to be view me. I do think my interviewees are correct about what they said. The only corrections I would make to my list was adding what my sister said about being a good people reader.  


  1. Hey Rebecca!
    It looks like you have a lot going for you and that's awesome. The fact that you are hardworking, a good people reader, a dreamer, and a quick learner means that you will be a fantastic entrepreneur or business person some day. While that may not be what you want to do with your life these skills probably lend a lot of help in this class. It's awesome that those closest to you know you so well, I found that the people I interviewed knew me very well too; much more than I expected.
    Here's the link to my own post:

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    It seems from both your description of your self and the interviews with your friends and family that you do have a lot of human capital. Being able to quickly understand a problem and how to resolve it is one of the best traits an entrepreneur can have, especially when starting a business. You will have to deal with problems on a daily basis and be able to fix them very quickly.

    I wasn't able to complete this exercise so instead here is a link to my third elevator pitch:

  3. Hey Rebecca,

    I think its awesome you chose to primarily interview your family members for this assignment. I’m fairly close to my family as well and growing up, my two brothers were always my best friends. You seam to have so many wonderful skills and character traits based upon your reflection and interviews. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to complete my assignment but good luck with the rest of the semester!

  4. The qualities that your sister pointed out are. I believe. the most important ones. Not to many people have the ability to read people motives and if you have that you can really learn who to trust and who you shouldn't trust. Sometimes we mis read someone as loyal but they turn out to be very selfish. so i believe that this qualities would make you a fine fit to any work environment.

  5. Hey Rebecca, good job on your assignment! Your description of yourself matches well with what your interviews saw in you. Understanding a problem and solving it are skills extremely useful for an entrepreneur. Keep up the good work!
