Sunday, February 21, 2016

Half Way Reflection | ENT3003

I have really enjoyed these past two months in ENT 3003 and have to say, this is my favorite college course thus far. Dr. Pryor is a motivating, insightful instructor who is entertaining to watch and has taught me so much already.

1. One behavior that I have developed in this course is the love of blogging. I enjoy the creating new blog posts and the creative activities that are challenging and fun at the same time. I feel that it is somewhat of a creative outlet for me. Pushing yourself outside my comfort zone and being creative is certainly the way of keeping up with the requirements of this course.

2. A moment that has really 'tested me' in this course was approaching random people for interviews. This assignment made me realize how unusual it seems for people in society to just approach one another. Many people (not necessarily students) are in a rush with their day to day activities and don't care to be bothered. Others however, really provide good insight and motivate you to pursue your idea/venture.

3. Three tips I would offer next semester's students in order to foster the skills that support tenacity and with developing the tenacious mindset:
  • Be creative. There is so much to learn within this class and you can really learn a lot about yourself.
  • Push yourself. Even on those days where you feel that an assignment is out of your comfort zone, give yourself the privilege of doing yet. If you put effort into it, you will be glad you did every time.
  • Watch Dr. Pryor's lectures. I think this is a key step in the process of developing the 'tenacious mindset'. Enjoyable, always something to learn, and definitely motivational. 

Google Images


  1. Hi Rebecca,
    In general I agree with you in everything you wrote. However, the three tips you wrote what was really caught my attention. This class is all about pushing ourselves to the limit and be creative in order to make a difference between all the students. I also, think that watching the class lectures are helpful to understand better the material and it is just interesting how Dr. Pryor conducts his lectures. I have learned a lot from it. here is my blog

  2. Hey Rebecca,
    First of, I really enjoy your choice of artwork for this assignment. How I Met Your Mother is one of my favorite shows and I can relate the tenacity that Barney Stintson had to the proper attitude to have about assignments in this class. I think it is awesome that you have found a liking to posting blogs because I think it is a good medium for people to show some character in. Here is a link to my post about this assignment:
