Saturday, February 13, 2016

Interviewing Customers No. 3

Questions being asked in interviews: 

  • Do you have any dietary restictions?
  • Do you prefer to go out to a restaurant to eat or cook at home? Why?
  • Where is your favorite place to eat in this area?
  • What makes the restaurant your favorite? 
  • What types of cuisine is typically your favorite? 

I approached many different types of people (shown below), most did not want to go on camera, but were happy to answer questions. 

Video/written interviews:


1. Fish hawk Resident, Stephanie

2. Fish hawk Resident, Julie

3. Fish hawk Resident, Russ (did not want to be filmed but didn't mind answering questions)
  • Do you prefer to go out to a restaurant to eat or cook at home? Why?
    • "I like to go out to eat most of the time, I like to be out and about and not have to worry about cooking at home." 
  • Where is your favorite place to eat in this area?
    • "I normally drive to Brandon or Tampa to find a restaurant because the options are limited in this area. One of my favorite restaurants is Bone Fish Grill" 
  • What makes the restaurant your favorite? 
    • "They have a good menu... some healthy options that taste good and great specials!"
  • What types of cuisine is typically your favorite? 
    • "I eat mostly seafood and Italian foods."

    4. Fish hawk Resident, Lynn
    • Do you prefer to go out to a restaurant to eat or cook at home? Why?
      • "I like to meet with my friends from church at Panera bread or Chilis. That is just where we all have been going the last couple years..."
    • Where is your favorite place to eat in this area?
      • "If it's just myself, I like to go to the fresh market and get some healthy prepared foods."
    • What types of cuisine is typically your favorite to eat? 
      • "I really try to eat healthy... I eat a lot of salads and vegetables."

    5. Fish hawk Resident, Chris
    • Do you prefer to go out to a restaurant to eat or cook at home? Why?
      • "I like to go out to eat, just wish there were more options in this area"
    • Where is your favorite place to eat in this area?
      • "I like the Sushi restaurant over by Stein mart. 
    • What makes the restaurant your favorite? 
      • "I have always been a sushi lover"
    • What types of cuisine is typically your favorite? 
      • "Sushi, but I would like to see some more healthier options to change it up."
    This little community known as Fish Hawk, located right outside of Tampa that has most everything you would find in a small city; grocery stores, banks, doctor offices, homes, parks, nature trails, water parks, some restaurants and so on. However, I often wonder to myself where all of the 'healthy' options are. Being a plant-based eater, I find it very difficult to find places to enjoy in this community that offer plant-based, vegan, healthy foods. It seems that unless I go to a grocery store myself and put some ingredients together, I am so out of luck. With this personal unmet need, I can't help but believe there may be others out there that would consider the restaurant options in this area as an unmet need for them as well. Whether one is Vegan, Vegetarian, or just wants some healthier options, I feel this is truly an unmet need in the Tampa bay area, particularly in the community of Fish hawk.
    With this idea,  I spend sometime in the local park over the weekend, observing some active people enjoying the outdoors and time with their family. I interview five people to try and uncover if this truly is an unmet need in their area!


    I realized from this assignment and interviews that there are many who do crave healthier options in the community of Fish hawk. Many of the people I spoke with seemed to leave the community (ciccio Cali, Seasons 52, and all of the other restaurants mentioned in the interviews) for better food options but wish they had more options in their area. Without specifically asking about a plant-based restaurant, I learned that people are open-minded in this area and want to be more health-conscious. 


    1. Rebecca,

      I am actually from the Tampa area and think your idea is a great one! I also really like how you laid out your interviews- you really catered to those who felt uncomfortable to be on camera, but got the information through to the reader so great job on that! I am also looking for healthier options in the Tampa area, and I thought the demographic you interviewed was great. I wouldn't have thought to go to a park, but that is the perfect place to find like minded people who also have this unmet need. My opportunity is also about healthy eating, so if you are interested in my interviews, here is a link to my blog: I wish you the best of luck with your venture, and am excited to see what you do with it!

    2. Rebecca,

      I do not think that it is just a problem of the Tampa Bay area, but rather a problem of this country. Due to unprofitable business potentials, people do not try to jump into these types of business. I think you could have interviewed with people who were eating at fast food restaurants(McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys) and asked them why they preferred eating there, not healthy foods. Please visit my blog and give me some feedback! It is

    3. Often people in larger cities overlook the fact that not every place has variety. There is a clear unmet need in your town and I think certain Gainesville residents share that some unmet need for healthier restaurant options. In big cities there is a lot of competition between healthy restaurants but in a town like Fish Hawk you could mroe easily find a suitable niche for your opportunity. I would be interested in hearing about if this idea ever gets off the ground! Check out my blog if you like!

    4. Hi Rebecca! I really enjoyed your idea. I like how you are thoroughly gathering information before making conclusions. After watching and reading your videos I feel that Fish Hawk is lacking natural food restaurants. Here in Gainesville a small but well-known restaurant opened called 3 natives. This restaurant sells delicious fruit bowls that have attracted customers and . Check out my blog here:
