Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 1

Questions being answered:

1) You. Who you are. What your talents are. What your skills and experiences are. Also: what are your aspirations? Specifically regarding your business concept, how do you see this business (if you were to start it) playing a role in your life?

2) What are you offering to customers? Describe the product or service (in other words, how you'll solve customers' unmet needs).

3) Who are you offering it to? Describe, in as much detail as possible, the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your customers. Think especially of this question: what do your customers all have in common?

4) Why do they care? Your solution is only valuable insofar as customers believe its valuable to them. Here, explain why customers will actually pay you money to use your product or service.

5) What are your core competencies? What sets you apart from everyone else? Also: what do you have that nobody else has?


1. My name is Rebecca Marra, I'm incredibly passionate about yoga and overall nutritional wellness of the body. Rare Earth Organics is 100% organic, plant-based cafe that specializes in gourmet cuisines. I want to bring a restaurant to the market that offers creative plant-based cuisine that is both rich in flavor and of course, nutrient dense. 

2. As I mentioned, Rare Earth Organics is 100% organic, plant-based cafe that specializes in gourmet cuisines. I want to bring a restaurant to the market that offers creative plant-based cuisine that is both rich in flavor and of course, nutrient dense. 

3. Fish hawk, Florida is a growing community right outside of Tampa that has most everything you would find in a small city; grocery stores, banks, doctor offices, homes, parks, nature trails, water parks, some chain restaurants, fast food places and so on. Being a community full of families who strive to live a healthy fitness lifestyle, food is a big issue. Fast food places (such as McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Sonic), along with ice cream places, and a few chain restaurant that let's just say are..."eh", make up the food options in this community.
4. Many people are becoming more conscious of their health and want to do what they can to improve it. Rare Earth Cafe fits into the lifestyle of those wanting to look and feel their best. 

5. This cafe will offer a unique environment that focuses on supporting nutritional wellness and sustainability for every person who walks into the door. Rare Earth Organics will ensure to select the finest organic ingredients while also supporting local farmers, sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly products.

Each of these elements fit together and cater to those who want to live a healthy lifestyle and nourish the body. Being a plant-based eater, I personally find it very difficult to find places to enjoy in this community that offer plant-based, vegan, healthy foods. It seems that unless I go to a grocery store myself and put some ingredients together, I am so out of luck. With this personal unmet need, I can't help but believe there may be others out there that would consider the restaurant options in this area as an unmet need for them as well. Whether one is Vegan, Vegetarian, or just wants some healthier options, I feel this is truly an unmet need in the Tampa bay area, particularly in the community of Fish hawk. 


  1. I love the idea! I personally am the same way with nutrition and wellness. I love to stay active and feel better when I am consuming very healthy food and organic is what I always look for in my diet. Gainesville needs something like this. When I am home in South Florida, I find places like this everywhere. I just wish there was more of this here.

  2. Hi Rebecca, great post! While I don't typically eat organic food, I know that it is a very big trend in the market today. I, like James, am from South Florida and agree that these sorts of places are everywhere in certain areas. However, many areas like the one you mention above are lacking in healthy food options. I think this is a great idea! Feel free to check out my idea napkin here:

  3. Rebecca this is an interesting idea. I like how you used pictures to accentuate the concept. I imagine you'll have phenomenal upticks in patrons right after new years, I know I would be one. Keep the idea going, you're onto something with this.

    Check out my idea napkin post here.

  4. Hi Rebecca, great idea, I think a lot more people should decide to focus on living healthier lives because the way some people live is just not healthy. If where you come from really only has places like fast food, it would be really cool of you to bring them some diversity. One downside I would point out is that healthier food tends to be much more expensive so you'd have to find effective price points to stay in business. Also, it's very hard to make solely plant-based food appetizing, especially to people who aren't used to eating it. Check out my post as
