Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bug List | 20 Things That Truly Bug Me

Week 2:

Bug List 

Here is a list of 20 things that truly “bug” me.
Most are health related as it is a passion of mine, and it is just the way my brain works. 

1. The fact that foods don’t HAVE to be labeled GMO (genetically modified organisms). 

In other Continents, such as Europe for instance, it is mandatory for food companies to label it. Among other terrible things put in foods, (artificial coloring, unhealthy preservatives…) I feel this one should truly be known.

2. Organic Produce being so expensive in local grocery stores. 

States out west, and other countries around the globe eat fresh, organic produce the way most Americans eat conventional. Florida is very much behind when it comes to wellness.

3. Prescription drugs. 

I believe that finding the root cause of a health related problem is the first step to truly healing. While I definitely believe prescription medication can be lifesaving in certain situations, most of the time prescription drugs treat one’s symptoms, rather than truly correcting the problem. Not to mention all of the side effects that come along with them.

4. The Majority of Medical Doctors. 

This one is for a lot of the same reasons I mentioned under prescription drugs. The majority of medical doctors tend to ignore the underlying ailment which does not contribute to overall healing.

5. Artificial sweeteners. 

I feel that it is a common misconception that artificial sweeteners are healthier than sugar. Studies have shown the complete opposite and it is one of the worst things people can consume. I remember when I was back in high school, my grandfather (who was type 2 Diabetic) would literally get a spike in his blood sugar after consuming “Sugar Free” desserts. I always thought that was interesting, so I did my research and apparently that isn’t uncommon.

6. The school system (elementary schools-high school). 

I feel that schools should teach their students more about overall wellness, fitness, and nutrition early on. Meditation and mindfulness are also important. I think teaching kids these things from a young age could solve, or at least significantly reduce negative conditions in children and enable them to have a base understanding of why it is so important to make healthy choices.

7. Animal Cruelty.

This particular one isn’t because I am an animal lover (which I really am) but it has a lot to do with the way most farm animals are raised/treated. The antibiotics and hormones injected in farm animal is in no way healthy for human consumption. I am not suggesting that every single person on the planet should be a vegan/vegetarian by any means, although I certainly believe that eating a plant-based diet is the most healing, especially for the digestive system, but I think that conditions should be better for these farm animals, considering the stress the animals experience also effects the quality of the food.

8. Wearing shoes inside at home. 

I am somewhat of a germaphobe, which may be why this came up. However, I really don’t like the idea of wearing the same shoes that I wore in a public restroom, all over my home. Not sanitary!

9. Alcoholism. 

I can relate to this personally, growing up knowing someone close to me suffer from this awful disease. I honestly don’t think people realize the seriousness of alcoholism. Drinking is a social activity that has basically become the norm. Whether it is a weekend thing, or if one parties often (Yes, the majority of college kids) it starts becoming habitual. First off, alcohol is terrible for the body, as it literally depletes and ages the body. Also, it is addicting. This is just my perspective.

10. Obamacare. 

Do I really need to go into detail about this one? I will just say that it is not my favorite form of health care our nation has experimented with.

11. Non-Cleanliness. 

Something that bothers me is people who don’t take care of themselves and their belongings. Please bathe often, and brush/floss thoroughly. Do it for yourself and for your health.

12. Fast-food Chains. 

The quality of these foods are typically very poor, if they can even classify as real foods. I just would like to see home healthier, plant-based food places. It would be great to have that convenience of fast food and low prices, while also getting some nutrition in your meal.

13. Cigarette smoking, especially in public. 

We all know how unhealthy smoking is. Not only an air pollutant but one of the least pleasant smells to me is walking by somebody who has a cigarette in their hand.

14. Littering. 

Seeing trash on the side of the road is not only a horrible sight, but it is terrible for the environment. It is just as simply and easy to throw trash away in a garbage can.

15. Smoothie places. 

Some, not all. I dislike discovering places that use syrup and artificial mixes while claiming to be healthy. Some people mistakenly will consume one of these, thinking they made a healthy choice, when really it is contributing to various health issues. I believe smoothie places should only contain whole foods and healthy ingredients.

16. Juice Bar’s that don’t juice organic vegetables. 

During the juice process, you are literally extracting everything in the veggie/fruit minus the fiber. I don’t understand why anyone would want to drink, (what is suppose to be) a very nutritious drink, that is full of chemicals/pesticides.

17. Supplements. 

Most of the time, supplement companies aren’t regulated, and therefore, consumers have no idea what they are putting in their bodies. Plus, many of these companies use synthetic ingredients that can cause upset stomach and interact with people’s medications.

18. Food Nutrition Labels. 

I find that nutrition labels can be very misleading. When looking at the label, some people don’t realize that the amount of calories, sugar, etc. shown, a lot of times is only a fraction of what is in the full food item. If you don’t already, make sure to check the serving size and how many servings the label says. Than multiply that by how much sugar and calories the nutrition label says to get more accurate numbers.

19. Inconsiderate people. 

Whether it be rude drivers who tailgate, cut others off, or just people who go into a restaurant/store and are naturally inconsiderate of others. The world would be a better place if people were simply more mindful and considerate.

20. Liars. 

Nothing good comes out of lying, it is damaging for everyone involved, especially the person lying. I never could understand why people lie about the little things. Nobody is perfect, yet people seem the need to make themselves seem like they need to come across that way. Just be honest. I value real, genuine people.

 I actually really did enjoy this assignment. It forced me to give more thought to many of the things that bother me and why they do. It also felt like a release as far as getting to vent and put my thoughts into words. I hope that at least some of the things listed here are helpful to someone in their life as well. 


  1. Hi Rebecca! I read your blog post and appreciate the fact that you mentioned so many things that I would have never even thought of when thinking of a "Bugs list". I can see how if this list of bugs were fixed, the world would be a much HEALTHIER and sanitary place to live haha! I completely agree with your reflection that this assignment probed students to give much more thought into things that bother us on a day to day basis, and more importantly, why it is so important to reflect on how each of these inconveniences can be improved, not only for ourselves but for our community. I especially liked the bugs that you mentioned that dealt with food labeling (the fact that foods don't have to be labeled as GMO's) and the high price for organic foods. Although my blog dealt more with inconveniences of campus-living (feel free to check out my blog at I can relate with at least half of the bugs that you mentioned in your list! You should really look into pursuing a career that relates with nutrition! Just from this blog post I can hear the passion in your writing and think that many people could benefit from your health savvy!

  2. Kate-

    There are various people of a high level of education that have studied this issue and would certainly agree about the negative effects GMOs have. You're correct about the pesticide use, I absolutely agree that is an issue. Perhaps it would be good for you to do some research on the dangers of GMOs in your foods. I don't think being meek and just accepting what the FDA tells you is good enough. As far as organic produce goes, it is much cheaper in states out west, and numerous countries around the world eat only fresh, organic, non GMO produce and surprisingly enough, the disease rate is substantially lower. It boils down to big business and mass production. A good documentary/book is Forks Over Knives if you're interested in the facts.
    Also, I do agree that alcohol is okay to consume once in awhile. When it becomes habitual is where it becomes an issue. Which for many, it is. Thanks for sharing your opinion on these though! I'm glad we can agree on some. Perhaps we can agree to disagree on the others.

    Good luck this semester!
