Friday, January 8, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

Week 2:

My Entrepreneurship Story

It was the second week of June, 2014 that sparked my first entrepreneurial idea. I was always drawn to California growing up and finally, during Summer 2014 I was able to acknowledge this dream and travel to the lovely place. Little did I know, not only would I leave my heart (which will remain in Malibu), but I also left more inspired than I could have ever imagined. While traveling through the southern part of California, I noticed something very different about the way Californian's lived, and I was hooked. The hiking, farm to table foods, and overall focus on living a healthy lifestyle was truly inspiring, and it made me realize that Florida, among other states, is very behind when it comes to wellness. With this realization, I wanted to provide a healthy snack food to the market that people would be able to enjoy, and would also provide numerous health benefits. That was when Rare Earth Superfoods, LLC was created. The snack food idea ended up being a healthy trail mix, that included only raw (non-processed), organic nuts and berries.  I did a lot of research for this project, discovering that each item of the mix should come from certain parts of the world, in order to reap the most benefits possible based on the soil and climate of where these superfoods would grow.

From creating the LLC, to opening a business bank account, to going to natural food expo's and networking, and sampling products from all over the world... the experience was invaluable. Although this particular venture didn't end up being all I had hoped, I really enjoyed the process and realized how much working on this project truly enabled me to develop a better understanding of what it takes to start up a business. It all ties in to the Entrepreneur's Mantra, "Entrepreneurs don't wait. They Act. And they don't quit. Entrepreneurs fail. A lot. But in this forge of failure, entrepreneurs sharpen their edge, ready to face the future. Entrepreneurs thirst for negative feedback. Too much praise leads to complacency. while criticism provides clues to improve. Entrepreneurs work harder. To pursue their own lives. To improve the world around them. To build a better future for themselves, their families, and communities. I am an entrepreneur."

From as far back as I can remember, and before I could entirely understand the meaning behind it, I have always had a vision in my mind of being an Entrepreneur. The idea of creating a concept of a business, that is effective and efficient, is fascinating to me. I chose to enroll in ENT 3003 because I believe that it could only enhance my interest and give me the foundation I need moving forward in all of my future endeavors.


  1. What a great story of your entrepreneurship experience. I think it is great that you took an observation of something that could be improved upon and created something that was all your own from it. This journey may not have turned out the way you hoped but the experience you got from it is what counts. My experience was very similar just on a slightly smaller scale. Here is a link to my post if you are interested

  2. I absolutely agree with Courtney. This is a fantastic story of an entrepreneurship experience you were able to have. I have never been to California, but I find it quite amazing how you described the people as being so health conscious. Taking care of yourself is definitely a great thing to do and it is interesting that California is known for this behavior. I truly hope that one day you will be able to continue to impact the world in any way you are able to. Though a little different from you, I dream of being a financial advisor having my own practice so that I am able to wake up every day knowing I am impacting peoples lives and helping them to achieve financial goals. Helping people to have the best life possible seems to be a similarity we share beyond the desire to create ideas and start a business. Here is the link to my blog of my entrepreneurship story.
