Monday, January 18, 2016

World's Biggest Problems | My Top 10

Week 3:

My Take On Some of the Words Biggest Problems

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Obviously this topic is highly controversial. Everyone seems to form their own opinions on what the world's biggest problems are; terrorism, disease, famine, hunger, global warming, war, debt, etc. I wanted to spend some time discussing 10 problems that I feel are some real world problems people face, and also what I feel would be a practical. implementable solution to the issue. 

1. Obesity 

"Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel." This I feel is a major issue in the world, more specifically in North America. The majority of people are living with various health issues that are caused/contributed to by obesity. I feel a practical solution that would at least contribute to helping this issue is educating people. I believe that schools should definitely teach children the importance of overall wellness from a early on. I also am a believer in the saying, "let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food". The world would be much more happy and healthy place if people understood how to implement this, and the importance of taking care of themselves. 

2. Disease

Cancer, diabetes, digestive issues, sexual transmitted infections, and so on.
I feel that most every one carries a cancer gene in some form or the other. However, I strongly believe it is the environmental factors (things we do) that can turn on and off cancer. Diabetes (type-2) is nearly 100% preventable. A person's diet and personal decisions significantly affects the longevity and quality of their life. Sexually transmitted infections are another part to this topic. The most implementable solution is not falling into the habitual hookup lifestyle that seems to be the norm.

3. Alcohol Abuse

First, alcohol is terrible for the body, as it depletes and ages the body. Also, it is addicting and should not be habitual. While I don't think it's terrible to have some form of alcohol once in awhile, I do believe alcohol is a world issue. Not only does it destroy many lives, whether it is being abused by a family member, caused death of a loved one in an accident, or contributed to bad decision making in general, I certainly feel that alcohol is majorly abused, particular in the United States. I think an implementable solution for this that could help the issue is again, educating for all ages and also, focusing more on not giving alcohol a good reputation would be a good start. Turning 21 is most people's favorite birthday; it seems to be known as the "fun" thing to do. I feel that many teens and college kids get wrapped into partying because they think it's the thing to do.

4. War And Terrorism

Why can't we just have world peace?... But really, I understand this is a very complicated topic, however, I definitely felt this one should be included on the topic of, "World's Biggest Problems".

5. FDA (Federal Department of Agriculture) 

I feel that people put way too much trust into the FDA. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) foods are deemed as "safe"by the FDA, however, numerous studies have shown otherwise. Among the other chemicals, preservatives, hormones/antibiotics included in processed foods, there is no way any of these aspects are good for the human body. Other continents, such as Europe from example, prohibit the use of many food ingredients that the FDA approves in America. 

6. Pharmaceutical Industry 

I believe that finding the root cause of a health related problem is the first step to truly healing. While I definitely believe prescription medication can be lifesaving in certain situations, most of the time prescription drugs treat one’s symptoms, rather than truly correcting the problem. Not to mention all of the side effects that come along with them. I think people should take preventative measures, such as taking care of their health by eating a plant-based diet and exercising. 

7.  Politics

Politics causes many of the issues in the world.  It always seems to be about left or right, republican or democrat... This contributes to hate, bitterness, arguing, etc... I think politicians should work together to be practical, and implement better solutions. 

8. Too Much Government Control

Although I do believe it is necessary to have some Government control for obvious reasons, I do feel the system could be more efficient and effective.I think this causes people to rebel. 

9. The Media 

The majority of what people hear on the media is very misleading. It causes false perceptions that lead to other issues. I feel that the media should be more open, and not one sided when discussing issues and events. The media is a huge part of why people have formed so many opinions, that are most of the time not even accurate.

10. People's Lack of Self Control

Many things come to mind for this one, but I will just name a few things. This not only ties into obesity, and general health issues, but it also goes along with why the world has criminals. People's lack of self control with food causes various diseases. People who lack self control while shopping may be inclined to steal. Lack of self control with alcohol, drugs, etc lead to numerous issues as well.
Although I don't believe there is a "fix all" for this issue, among other things, I do believe that everyone should meditate. Meditation helps literally everything, and certainly contributes to mindfulness, which I feel is linked to self control. 

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