Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Identifying Local Opportunities | Recent Events

Week 3

1. Title: Editorial: You should be able to cross the street without fearing for your life

This story stood out to me as pedestrians truly do get hit by cars often. This seems to have become more apparent locally over recent years. This article discusses the poorly designs that numerous roads have that contributes to pedestrian deaths and injuries, specifically on Hillsborough County roads. I can definitely associate this local issue as an unmet need, considering what seems like everyday, the local news has a story on a pedestrian who was struck by a vehicle. Not only is this a local issue, but this could be a problem for any person who has to commute by foot on a poorly designed road. I feel that some sort of national regulation that would provide a safer environment should be implemented in order to give people a sense of safety when crossing the road.

Link posted below if interested;

2. Title: FBI Seeking Assistance To Identify Victims In International Sextortion Case

According to an article in the Osprey Observer, “The FBI has countless open sextortion investigations across the country that involve both subjects and victims from around the world”. The FBI is searching for assistance in these types of cases. It also discusses how investigators obtain information from the victim's computers. I feel like the FBI could benefit from advancements in cyber security.

Check it out at

3. Title: STD rates skyrocket in Hillsborough County

The Hillsborough County Health Department is having an issue with the increase of sexually transmitted diseases in recent years. The article discusses how the lack of good sex education is partly the reason this has become so common. I do see how that can be a factor and I certainly feel that sexual education is an unmet need in high schools.
Feel free to read more about this issue:

4. Title: Coke To Pop Open New Ad Campaign

First off, I will start by saying that in no way is any soda product is healthy for consumption. This specific article discusses the decline in soda sales in the United States. I personally find this to be a wonderful thing, however, Coke isn't too happy. I think Coca-Cola Co in generally is a unmet need in society, as backwards that may sound. Perhaps if they created different, healthier products in their future they could reach a new marketing strategy that contributes to the health of individuals,
 If you're interested in Coca-Cola Company's new ad campaign:

5. Title: Consumer Wise: What's worth the cost of buying organic? 

This article discusses an issue consumers have when buying produce. Organic produce is of course the best way to buy fruits and vegetables, however, the prices may not always be comparable in the local grocery stores. This article really makes me think about the unmet need consumers have; not having fresh, organic produce available for reasonable pricing, specifically in this part of the country. It also lists the "dirty dozen" foods that are most susceptible to pesticide residue, along with the "clean 15" foods that may not be worth the extra cost if one cannot afford to buy all organic. It is certainly an unmet need in my world, A good read if interested:


  1. I definitely think the lack of safety in crossing any road is a SERIOUS unmet need that needs to have more attention. I would not have added caps if I thought this should be taken lightly. This past weekend, a friend of mine was crossing the road on the crosswalk when she hit by a car that kept going. Thankfully, she miraculously only suffered minor Drivers, as well as pedestrians need to be more educated about the rules of the road in general. There needs to be something done about regulations and consequences about hitting a pedestrian.

    1. also heres the link to my post if you wan to check it out:

  2. Rebecca, I really enjoyed the article on organic farming. It is really hard to eat all organic because of the dent that it puts in your pocket. I did like how the article provided us with a list of foods that we should eat organic and which ones we can skip out on due to the thick skins on the fruits and vegetables that protect the raw product from the chemicals. I will definitely use these lists when I go to Publix this weekend. Great find.
