Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Introduction... This Is Me

Week 2:

Hi everyone!

My name is Rebecca Marra, I am a mix of Italian, Russian, and German. I was born here in Tampa, FL, where I current reside. I am in love with the West Coast (Malibu, California to be specific) and plan to live there in the future.I'm incredibly passionate about yoga and overall nutritional wellness of the body.

I enjoy traveling, listening to music (basically 24/7), photography, and learning as much as possible about all of these things that interest me. Although I haven't had the opportunity to travel much thus far, I crave new experiences and want to travel as much as I can in this life. Some of the places I would like to travel to include; Switzerland, Italy, New Zealand, Austria, Germany, Russia, just to name a few.

Malibu, CA
My family is very close and connected. My mom and sister are both huge parts of my life and I am grateful for that. I also have a sweet, adorable cat named Blackie Chan. Even if you don't like cats you would love him.

Also, I am majoring in General Business Administration. I am intrigued by many aspects within business and love that it can be utilized in various industries. I feel proud to be apart of such a phenominal school. Go Gators!

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