Sunday, April 10, 2016

Celebrating Failure

A time this past semester that you failed -- whether in this class, or outside of this class.

A time this past semester that I have failed... One particular occasion comes to mind for me. My first management exam, as I didn't do as well on it as I wanted. I admittedly did not have my priories in check the few weeks leading up to my exam. The moment I received my grade was motivation.

What you learned from it.

I learned that I did not want to feel disappointed again so I made sure to study meticulously for the next exam.


I realized as I started to write this assignment, how truly difficult failure is. At first, I did not want to have to admit to my failures. As I reflected on what I've learned from this class I realized that failure is only a first attempt in learning and it only truly happens when you give up. I love this quote by Michael Jordan, it really sums up the meaning of "failure".

"I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed."

Overall, this class has taught me that perseverance wins over any failure


  1. Rebecca,

    Great job on your post. I can truly see the meticulous execution demonstrated by you. I too had a problem admitting my failure. It's difficult to accept what you've not succeeding in that you're admitting you're not 'perfect'. For an over achiever like myself, it can be a hit to your ego. This course has taught me to embrace my failure as successes really. Best of luck to you. I always appreciate feedback.

  2. Rebecca,

    Great post! I really admire how much time you put into this post, with all the pictures and quotes. You really seem to put in the effort for this class! I, too, understand what it is like to not do well on an exam and then want to push yourself harder the next time. I think admitting to failure pushes us to be better! If you would like, check out my post:

  3. Hi Rebecca. I enjoyed the pictures you posted with each post, it made it more exciting to read. I have to say I've been in the same boat when I received a bad grade on an exam and it definitely wakes you up to get motivated. You are so right that perseverance wins over any failure. If you are trying, you aren't failing, it's when you don't try, you're failing. Great post. Here is my Celebrating Failure blog post.
