Sunday, April 3, 2016

What''s Next?

Existing Market.

Rare Earth Organics is 100% organic, plant-based cafe that specializes in gourmet cuisines. I want to bring a restaurant to the market that offers creative plant-based cuisine that is both rich in flavor and of course, nutrient dense. This cafe will offer a unique environment that focuses on supporting nutritional wellness and sustainability for every person who walks into the door. Rare Earth Organics will ensure to select the finest organic ingredients while also supporting local farmers, sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly products.


Customer Interviews:
(voice clips will be attached)

Interview No. 1, Santana

"What you should be doing next is focusing on building your brand. By adding more aspects that contribute to your image. (Health and natural beauty products etc)."

Interview No. 2, Heather

"I think it would be neat if you incorporated an overall wellness establishment with not only the Rare Earth Organics Cafe but also occasional yoga classes to see if it gains attraction."

Interview No. 3, Debra

"I think having a larger selection of desserts would be an awesome next step. Healthy, gluten-free options to go along with the gourmet dishes would be a great addition."


New Market.

The next product that Rare Earth Organics will offer is a superfood trail mix line. Customers need a healthy snack that they can take on the go! Adding a trail mix line will enable customers to be healthy on the go! It is a misconception that traditional trail mixes that you find at Publix/ other grocery chains are healthy. Most are highly processed, have added sulfur and sugars, etc. 

Once these wonderful nuts and berries are processed, they loose their nutritional value. Most of the time people are just eating empty calories and missing out on all the benefits. This trail mix will offer a variety of raw, organic superfoods carefully selected from different parts of the world that will nourish the body and provide sufficient energy to every consumer.


  1. I really like your idea for your idea for your new market! I feel as though I'm always eating really unhealthy snacks on the go so this could add a lot of business to your current venture. I think I've commented on your venture before so it's awesome to see how much you've developed this idea. It's really something that could be implemented and you have a great target market.

    You can check out my blog here.

  2. Rebecca,
    I really like your idea and believe that it can be extremely successful. I think that the people you interviewed provided very good feedback in how to push your business to the next level. If you either provided organic health and beauty products or yoga classes or both I think you would attract a very large crowd. If you added yoga, it would provide people with an activity and food to eat afterwards making it an entire night or afternoon of entertainment. Overall, great idea! Thanks for sharing! Feel free to check out my blog at

  3. Hey Rebecca,

    I love your entrepreneurial idea. I’m not vegan or vegetarian but I do like to eat healthy clean food. Gainesville lacks a lot of restaurant with this underline idea in my opinion. Adding a trial mix line also sounds good. It would be like a Starbucks business plan, where they sell coffee and also little things around the register and also some foods. I found the yoga classes idea really interesting, both the organic café and the yoga classes fall under the same healthy living idea you’re going for but at the same time they are so different. I would be cool though if you had like a two story building where the café is downstairs and the yoga room is upstairs.

  4. Hey Rebecca,
    As a lover of good, hearty health food to eat throughout my day, I LOVE your next step. A lot of businesses sell their more popular cuisines as packaged, pre-made meals that you can make or eat on your own. Just look at White Castle's frozen burgers, P.F. Changs dumplings, or any restaurant's "secret sauce" that they sell; you get the idea. This would be your own line that could profit like their products, but also benefit from customers that just like healthy food and trail mixes (like myself). Also, the ideas provided in your interviews could be of use as well. Make a larger dessert section that can be put into a "frozen-meal" variety, and making natural based products that are for more than just consumption would also be valuable; I'm confident in your abilities here. The best of luck to you.
