Sunday, April 17, 2016

Google Gold

1.) Some of the activities I did for each blog post in order to pursue SEO include: 
  • Always using the 'Labels' section while posting
  • Using 'Headings', 'Subheadings', and 'Normal' text when writing my post. 
  • Commenting on students blogs and linking my blog to theirs. 

2.) My key words were Entrepreneur, Label, Yoga, Organic, Raw, Plant-based, Fitness. I didn't change or refine my words too much this semester, as my main focus was on overall wellness and fitness of the body.

3.) I actually did not use social media to promote my blog. Most of the assignments I felt were specifically relevant to this class, so I did not think to share them among my Facebook friends. 

4.) My most "viral" post was my Bug List. I think this post gained the most attraction because it was an interesting topic to read about, learning the pet peeves of my peers. Ironically that was the one I enjoyed writing about most as well!

5.) I did make it to the first page of Google results when you type in my name, followed by the word blog. I think this is mostly because my name is very common.


  1. Hey Rebecca,

    I really enjoyed reading your google for gold post. I agree that always including labels is a great way to show up on Google! One thing that I forgot to do was to include keywords which would have been really helpful for my venture. I will definitely use that technique in the future. Here's a link to my blog post:

  2. Hi Rebecca!
    I absolutely loved your blog! It reminded me of a Buzzfeed post.
    I feel the blogs that were most successfulwere well organized which made it easier to read and comprehend the posts which you have accomplished with this post! That is interesting to see your bugs list was the most popular, my most popular post was Customer Interviews No. 3. I wish you the best of luck in your venture. If you have a chance check out my blog at
