Sunday, April 17, 2016

Venture Concept No. 2

Venture Concept No. 2


The group of customers who have this unmet need are those who want to live a healthy lifestyle and nourish the body. Being a plant-based eater, I personally find it very difficult to find places to enjoy in this community that offer plant-based, vegan, gluten-free, healthy foods. It seems that unless I go to a grocery store myself and put some ingredients together, I am so out of luck. With this personal unmet need, I can't help but believe there may be others out there that would consider the restaurant options in this area as an unmet need for them as well. Whether one is Vegan, Vegetarian, or just wants some healthier options, I feel this is truly an unmet need in the Tampa bay area, particularly in the community of Fish hawk. Fish hawk, Florida is a growing community right outside of Tampa that has most everything you would find in a small city; grocery stores, banks, doctor offices, homes, parks, nature trails, water parks, some chain restaurants, fast food places and so on. Being a community full of families who strive to live a healthy fitness lifestyle, food is a big issue. Fast food places (such as McDonalds, Taco Bell, and Sonic), along with ice cream places, and a few chain restaurants that let's just say are..."eh", make up the food options in this community.

The forces or changes in the environment that contribute to this opportunity is the growing awareness of making better food choices, people wanting to lose weight, and healthier living in general.

This market is defined geographically and demographically as a growing community known as Fish hawk, full of middle to upper class families who are striving to be healthier individuals.

Customers are currently satisfying this need by going to the local grocery stores, attempting to find healthy items that are available, and bringing them home to cook. Not only is time an issue for many working families, but many people don’t take the initiative to research healthy recipes and actually try them, whether because they are use to cooking the same types of meals, or for other reasons. Many people are becoming more conscious of their health and want to do what they can to improve it. Rare Earth Cafe fits into the lifestyle of those wanting to look and feel their best. The loyalty of customers cooking healthy at home is difficult to determine. It appears that most people settle for restaurants that are very health conscious.

This opportunity is big in the sense that Fish hawk is a growing and developing community. The fact that people are becoming more health conscious is also a factor that plays into this opportunity. People want to build a better future for their families, and one’s health is the first place to start.

This window of opportunity will be open until business owners who see the same opportunities as I do, start opening more businesses that offer plant-based, dietary restricted-friendly places. 


This cafe will offer a unique environment that focuses on supporting nutritional wellness and sustainability for every person who walks into the door. Rare Earth Organics will ensure to select the finest organic ingredients while also supporting local farmers, sustainable agriculture and environmentally friendly products. Each of the menu items will be market price and will vary by item or dish.

Venture Concept

Rare Earth Organics is 100% organic, plant-based cafe that specializes in gourmet cuisines. I want to bring a restaurant to the market that offers creative plant-based cuisine that is both rich in flavor and of course, nutrient dense.

I think customers would be happy to have a dietary restricted-friendly café such as Rare Earth Organics. As I mentioned before I personally find it very difficult to find places to enjoy in this community that offer plant-based, vegan, healthy foods. It seems that unless I go to a grocery store myself and put some ingredients together, it isn’t happening. With this personal unmet need, I can't help but believe there may be others out there that would consider the restaurant options in this area as an unmet need for them as well. Whether one is Vegan, Vegetarian, or just wants some healthier options, customers would benefit from having a place to go such as Rare Earth Organics.

The competitors in this community are slim to none as far as what I am offering. In the surrounding areas of Tampa, there are also few competitors. There is certainly a growing market for Plant-based restaurants in the area of Fish hawk and even most parts of Tampa.

The organization of the business would include hiring plant-based chefs, servers, and (eventually) management. As with other cafés, the production would be similar as far as some equipment. Also, Rare Earth will work with local farmers, products that support sustainable agriculture, and are environmentally friendly.

Secret Sauce/ Unfair Advantage

Hard-working and high energy staff/employees who are compassionate by nature and passionate about holistic health.
The unique gourmet plant-based cuisine

I think my most important resource will be the local farmers and knowledge of the products and industry. The growing appreciation to the farm-to-table concept will be a definite unique aspect to my business, compared to others, particularly in this community.

What’s next for the venture:

The next product that Rare Earth Organics will offer is a superfood trail mix line.

Customers need a healthy snack that they can take on the go.

Adding a trail mix line will enable customers to be healthy on the go! It is a misconception that traditional trail mixes that you find at Publix/ other grocery chains are healthy. Most are highly processed, have added sulfur and sugars, etc. Once these wonderful nuts and berries are processed, they loose their nutritional value. Most of the time people are just eating empty calories and missing out on all the benefits.

This trail mix will offer a variety of raw, organic superfoods carefully selected from different parts of the world that will nourish the body and provide sufficient energy to every consumer.

This product is 100% certified organic, gluten free, dairy free, raw, non-GMO, no pesticides, etc. Most customers gave it a good rating, however, some claimed it to be dry and unenjoyable. The dryness to me sounds like it was expired. Most raw nuts and berries are naturally very flavorful.

In five years I would hope to have Rare Earth Organics all over the nation. I would want to either sell or franchise depending on circumstances. This first venture helps me achieve my vision by giving me knowledge and understanding of what it takes to start up a business.


  1. Hey Rebecca! I was born and raised in Tampa and I agree with your view. There are not that many healthy food options and as someone who is relatively health conscious I would definitely enjoy some healthier options. If you want a healthy meal I think you are right in that you have to go to the grocery store and hand pick each ingredient. I believe there is a need for your product in the Tampa market. Good job on this post and I think you would enjoy checking mine out

  2. Rebecca! This is definitely an interesting concept idea and I think there's a lot of potential here. I'm not personally a vegetarian, but my roommate is and she's always having trouble finding places to eat with healthy items. I also really loved how you put this post together. The visuals really attract the reader and do a great job at emphasizing your point. I think you could also expand this to areas like Gainesville and Tallahassee as well. Great job girl!

    Here's a link to my post if you'd like to check it out:

  3. Hi Rebecca,

    First let me compliment you on the organization of your post! The detail Is wonderful. Now, personally, I don't see myself giving up meat--like ever. But I would certainly appreciate being able to stop in to a restaurant whenever I'd like a "cleaner" meal. Your Venture Concept is clear, detailed, and conveys the sense that you have a strong vision. Realistically speaking though, I think five years to expand all over the country is simply just not possible. It takes several months to get one restaurant opened. Even if you managed to open one a year (that would be amazing!) that is still only five locations.

    I hope you follow through with this idea. I'd certainly frequent that kind of eatery.

    You can see my blog post for this assignment here:

  4. Hi Rebecca! My business idea was actually quite similar to yours! I want to open a bakery shop that offers different foods for those with a number of dietary restrictions (gluten-free, sugar-free and vegan). Both my parents are vegan and I myself don't eat much meat, also both my parents are diabetics. Growing up in this sort of family structure has shown me the difficulties to eating indulgent food within these restrictions. I love the idea of opening different organizations that can help those in these categories! You're business plan seems really well-thought out and you seem to have a lot of passion behind the idea, especially being that you connect personally to the cause. Great job!
    Check out my venture on my blog!

  5. Hey Rebecca, I think that your idea is a very good one. I am personally not a vegan, but I respect it and think that all people should have places they can go to with other like-minded individuals. Even some more carnivorous people might enjoy going to your place every now and then if it's got the vibes that you seem to be going for. Great idea!

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